Overcoming “the Committee”

The committee is a term that I refer to as a chorus of voices in your head that tell you stuff. Usually that stuff is useless and often baseless. It seems to center around negative perceptions. Such as, “my new coworkers or boss hates me. My friends have moved on to other friends. My partner is cheating, useless, disengaged,” you name it. The committee seemingly without provocation, shows up with answers whether they’re founded in truth or otherwise.


Because it shines in darkness. In spaces of ambiguity and uncertainty. You want answers and the committee is all too eager to share its take on the situation. The committee provides seemingly strong evidence in support of real observations. For example: “My coworker was super quiet in the office today. Yup, that’s it. It’s because they think I’m annoying.” Or, “my desk mates went to lunch but no one invited me.” More evidence of an issue.

The committee seems to provide what no one else can. Answers. It understands you better than your mom. It also has a front row seat into your thoughts because your thoughts are like the blood running through your veins. They constantly flow until they are blocked. Or at least managed.

The committee often needs an accomplice which is usually anxiety or even fear. Sometimes we become anxious or fearful about the unknown. Again, we want answers. Or at the very least, we desperately crave reassurance or validation.

Life has taught me a little hack. It’s so simple that once I share it with you, you might have to stop your eyes from rolling all the way to the back of your head.

Ask for the answers you need.

Or simply stop. Take a deep breath, and ask yourself, “how do I know for a fact that this thought or assumption is true?” That’s it.

Your little committee is seeking answers-so get them. Ask for what you want. Ask for clarification. Ask for what you need. Sometimes it’s asking a friend or a partner, “are we okay?” If there was a previous misunderstanding, do your part to address any elephants in the room. “I feel like our conversation yesterday got a little tense after I shared my opinion about your daughter’s birthday party. I hope I didn’t offend you, and apologize for my part in any miscommunication.” Or however you’d phrase it.

The point is to be brave and confront things head on. I will add that there’s a time and place for every conversation. Just because you’re ready for a discussion, it doesn’t mean the other person is. If a friend or loved one is experiencing grief, or is in a rough spot in life, maybe now isn’t the best time for them to hear you and come up with a healthy response. Sometimes we have to heal on our own. After all, our peace and happiness is an inside job. Others are only supporting casts in the overall story of our lives.

Eternal Flame

Her love endures like steel

Her influence permeates everything like the indelible scent of sandalwood and bergamot

Her blood runs effortlessly through my veins

Her voice is my favorite song, still

In my dreams I attempt to express my love and gratitude

But they melt like butter under the bright Sun

It’s hard to accept the reality that she’s a memory

My naked eyes can’t see her

Through God’s grace I always feel her

The umbilical cord is never really severed

I will see my Mom again-not today or tomorrow

But the timing will be perfect

Until then, I live and love because that’s what she wanted for me before I knew myself

She poured into me until she was seemingly empty

Little did I know, her love stemmed from her overflow

I am beyond blessed to have been given such a treasure

A woman who taught me everything about life, love, Faith, God, self awareness and solvency

She made motherhood seem easier than it is

And for this I honor and cherish this woman; this eternal Soul by whom all women including myself, will be forever measured.